How to fill out a Tennessee car title

When you buy or sell a car in Tennessee, you are engaging in a highly responsible transaction involving money and paperwork; therefore, you must be very clear on the process to be followed in order to complete the transaction successfully. We will explain later how to fill out a car title in tennessee.

A car is an asset that offers you great benefits in your daily life, however it represents a great responsibility from the moment you buy it until you sell it. Part of your obligation is to go through the procedures for the proper transfer of ownership of the car, which is why it is so important that you learn a fill in the car title in Tennessee.

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📰 Contents
  1. How to fill in a car title in Tennessee
    1. Steps to Fill in Tennessee Car Title
  2. What else should I do when buying and selling a car in Tennessee?

How to fill in a car title in Tennessee

To make the purchase of a car in Tennessee, one of the basic steps is the due completion of the title in the corresponding spaces. Filling in the title is quite simple but it admits no mistakes, so you need to do it correctly. Note that any alteration of the title after its compilation will be sufficient reason to cancel it.

Before completing and signing the title, we recommend that you carry out the following checks:

  1. Verify that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on the title matches the VIN of the vehicle. The VIN is usually found in the lower left corner of the dashboard, in front of the steering wheel, or when looking through the windshield from the outside down
  2. Confirm that the seller ID matches the information found on the stock. If there are two names on the title, both sellers must sign on the back.
  3. If there is a pledge, make sure there is a signature and date from the financial institution issuing the pledge. It is essential that there are no alterations to the date.
  4. If the seller owes money to a financial institution for the vehicle, the institution's privilege information will appear on the title. Otherwise, this area will be empty.

Steps to Fill in Tennessee Car Title

Next, we will indicate how to fill out a car title in tennessee The process is quite simple, you just need to be precise.

Go to the back of the title. Only eight posts will be completed, everything else remained intact. You have to use a pen. The completion of the title must be done once the buy-sell is final as any alteration voids the title, so be sure to include the date, sale price, buyer's signature and buyer's name once made the purchase - the sale is irreversible.

  1. The first space you need to fill in is the mileage. Indicate the exact mileage of the vehicle Take your time when entering the mileage there can be no errors or alterations.
  2. Then you will find two small boxes that should be left blank. Normally, no boxes are checked. This section is used only to indicate that something is wrong with the odometer.
  3. Then you will arrive at the place indicated as "Signature and address of the seller (s)". Signature (s) and address (es) of the seller (s). These data must not be completed in the presence of the buyer.
  4. Next, the hand-printed name of the seller (s) must be added.
  5. The date of the sale
  6. Signature of the buyer / I.
  7. Selling price
  8. Buyer's name in print

How to transfer a car title in any state

What else should I do when buying and selling a car in Tennessee?

  1. Ask the seller for an emissions test report. You'll need to prove your car is emissions compliant to register and name it (not all counties in Tennessee require this).
  2. Request the cancellation of any liens on the car and ask the lender to provide you with a notice of cancellation of the lien.
  3. Write a bill of sale, sign it, ask the seller to sign it too, and keep it for your personal records. The deed of sale must identify the car, the buyer, the seller and the selling price. While you don't need to archive it to transfer the title to your name, you may need it later if someone disputes your title.
  4. Make sure you have acceptable identification and proof of Tennessee residency. The Tennessee driver's license is valid for both purposes.
  5. Find the county clerk's office where you reside. Search their website and find out if they charge title transfer fees in addition to those charged by the Tennessee state government.
  6. Prepare a check or money order for $ 10.50, plus any fees charged by the county clerk's officeand purchase price-based taxes (taxes vary by county, so check with your county employee in advance).

Visit the county clerk's office and present the seller's certificate of ownership, odometer disclosure statement, emissions test report, privilege discharge notice, your photo ID, proof of residency in Tennessee and a check or money order for the filing fee. No special application form is needed to transfer the title. You will receive your title certificate within a few business days.

For more information on the title transfer procedure in this state, see the Tennessee DMV page.

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Nathan Hamilton

Nathan Hamilton

Nathan is a car enthusiast and industry professional with decades of combined experience in the automotive sector. Along with his team of writers and researchers, all passionate about automobiles, he is committed to delivering reliable and relevant content that ranges from detailed insurance guides to maintenance tips and much more.

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